In the area of education we help institutions to develop international markets by identifying opportunities for recruiting target profile students and connecting with prospective partners such as student recruitment agencies and local education institutions.
We also help to establish connections and cooperation with national or local governments and education authorities which are interested in attracting foreign institutions as partners for their development programmes or for the local universities and colleges.
Possible areas of cooperation:
Partnering with the local education institution for teacher training and student exchange
Developing joint education projects or programmes
Providing expertise on the country/region level acting as a partner for the government which objective is to raise standards of national education system and English language teaching as its integral part
Opening branch campus in the country using favourable conditions and support of the current government programmes.
Depending on your Institution’ priorities and objectives we will effectively work with you as your business development arm using our experience-based knowledge of the various markets and local business culture, own methodology and connections in order to:
- Identify relevant opportunities and local partners
- Establish communication and interest to collaborate
- Connect with your Institution
- Plan and organise promotional visits
- Arrange meetings and presentations for selected prospective partners and authorities.